
Before I was a writer, I was a reader. I’m not a professional reviewer, but I try to write something about books I enjoy, especially those that are independently published or from really small presses and could use the boost. Many of these reviews were previously posted elsewhere.

The Agora Files part 1 by Adam Oster

The Agora Files part 2 by Adam Oster

Corporate High School by Benjamin Gorman

Dead Astronauts by Patrick Whittaker

Double Double Time and Trouble (Resident Witch book 2) by Angelika Rust

The Firelord’s Crown (Firelord’s Legacy Book 1) by Dee Harrison

My Name Is Not Alice (Resident Witch book 1) by Angelika Rust

Ratpaths (Tales of Istonnia book 1) by Angelika Rust

The Thornless Rose by Morgan O’Neill

The Unicornskin Drum by Stella Bahin