Category: Uncategorized

2018 New Year Greeting

Every year, I write a little newsletter to send to family and friends. (It started out as a Christmas letter and morphed into a New Year’s letter as December became busier and more stressed.) I take it as a writing assignment with a deadline–the middle of January–and try to make it entertaining, informative, and brief. If I don’t have your snail mail or email address but you want to read it, anyway, it can be found here:

2018 New Years Letter

Square Pig in a Round Hole-October 1, 2016

Square PigNaming a band is an act of concentrated creative expression. Square Pig in a Round Hole exists to reward five favorite band names each week. Winners are (usually) listed alphabetically. Selection is wholly unscientific and subject to whim, with a bias toward wordplay, humor, and local flavor. In most cases, I won’t know anything about the bands at the time of selection. Thanks to the Seattle Times club listings for abundant source material!

Today I spent several hours in line with many, many, many Bruce Springsteen fans in order to get into Elliott Bay Books and do this:

Bruce Springsteen with Your Mother Should Know

We were pleased to also represent Dead Bars and St Rage. I added a signed copy of The Gospel According to St Rage to the box of gifts for the Boss. But I’m still all about the band names, so here we go:

100day delay

Although it seems extreme, this is actually long enough to get something significant done while you wait. How will you use your 100 days?

Mandolin Orange

What can I say? I love music puns. I could also believe this as a decorator paint color.


I have written about other bands with “pig” in the name; of course I have. This one is as pure as it gets. I don’t need to know its shape, or that of the hole it is in.

Slow Elk

You don’t see highway signs warning of fast elk. Why is that?

We Are All Astronauts

Oh boy! When do we launch? (Or is this one of those Spaceship Earth things?)